Dr. Palanimuthu Velayutham
Krishna College of Arts and Science, India
Email: vela_utham@yahoo.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Marilia Danyelle Nunes Rodrigues
Animal Genetics, Rural Federal University of Amazonia, Brazil
Email: nunes.mdnunes@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Md. Shaheed Reza
Dept. of Fisheries Technology,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
Email: rezams@gmail.com, msreza@bau.edu.bd
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Standardi Alvaro
Retired Professor,
(Rtd) Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences,
University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Email: gastandardi@alice.it, alvarostanda@gmail.com
Profile link: NA
Dr. Matheus Poletto
Cellulosic and lignocellulosic materials,
Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Brazil
Email: matheus.poletto@hotmail.com, mpolett1@ucs.br
Profile link: NA
Dr. Suntud Sirianuntapiboon
Department of Environmental Technology,
School of Energy Environment and Materials,
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thung-kru, Thailand
Email: suntud.sir@kmutt.ac.th
Profile link: NA
Dr. Pasquale Russo
Department of Science of Agriculture, Food and Environment,
University of Foggia, Italy
Email: pasquale.russo@unifg.it
Profile link: NA
Dr. Yu-Hong Wei
Graduate School of Biotechnology and Bioengineering,
Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Email: yhwei@saturn.yzu.edu.tw
Profile link: http://www.che.yzu.edu.tw/teachlist/show/id/27/lang/big5.html
Dr. Fernando Jose Cebola Lidon
Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
Campus da Caparica, Portugal
Email: fjl@fct.unl.pt
Profile link: http://www.dct.fct.unl.pt/pessoas/docentes/fernando-lidon
Dr. Gurusamy Annadurai
Division of Nanoscience,
Sri Parmakalyani Centre for Excellence in Environmental Sciences,
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, India.
Email: annananoteam@gmail.com, gannadurai@msuniv.ac.in
Profile link: http://annaduraiweb.googlepages.com/home
Dr. Sirigireddy Sivajothi
Assistant Professor,
Department of Veterinary Parasitology,
College of Veterinary Science,
Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Andhra Pradesh, India
Email: sivajothi579@gmail.com
Profile link: NA
Dr. Vijai K. Agnihotri
CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Himachal Pradesh, India
Email: kantvijai@yahoo.com
Profile link: NA
Dr. Wissam Zam
Faculty of Pharmacy,
Al-Andalus University for Medical sciences, Tartous (Syria)
Email: ws.sarah2005@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. M.M. Youssef
Retired Professor,
Food Science and Technology Faculty of Agriculture,
Alexandria University, Egypt
Email: m_m_youssef@yahoo.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. B. Malaikozhundan
Department of Animal Health & Management,
Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India
Email: kozhundan.malai@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Ilkay Yavas
Kocarli Vocational High School,
Adnan Menderes University, Turkey
Email: iyavas@adu.edu.tr, ilkayyavas@hotmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Manal Moustafa Zaki
Department of Veterinary Hygiene and Management,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt
Email: drmanalmoustafa2008@cu.edu.eg,
drmanalmoustafa2008@yahoo.com, drmanal2013@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Silvia Denise Pena Betancourt
Department of Agricultural and Animal Production,
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico
Email: silvia_dpb@hotmail.com
Profile Link NA
Dr. Anu Rahal
Pharmacology & Toxicology, ICAR,
Central Institute for Research on Goats, India
Email: rahalanu72@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. K.E Akande
Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture,
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Nigeria
Email: kemi777akande@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Armando Zepeda Bastida
Veterinary Biotechnology,
Academic Area Veterinary Medicine,
Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
Autonomous University of Hidalgo State, Mexico
Email: azepeda@uaeh.edu.mx
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Zafar S. Khan
Department of Botany,
Maharashtra College of Arts, Science and Commerce, India
Email: zfrkhan123@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Magdy Mohamed Ismail
Dairy Technology, Dairy Technology Department,
Animal Production Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt
Email: abo-omar98@hotmail.com, magdy250@yahoo.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Marco Ferretti
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development,
Wildlife Management Office of Tuscany Region, Italy
Email: marco_ferretti@yahoo.com
Profile Link: http://www.marcoferretti.altervista.org/
Dr. Elif Demirkan
Associate Professor,
Department of Biology, Uludag University, Turkey
Email: edemirkan@uludag.edu.tr
Profile Link: http://www.uludag.edu.tr/dosyalar/biyoloji/cvler/ElifDEM%C4%B0RKANCV.pdf
Dr. K. Vijaya Ramesh
Assistant Professor,
Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology,
Quaid-e-Millath Government College for Women, India
Email: ramesh.vijaya67@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Priti Mathur
Amity Institute of Biotechnology,
Amity University, Lucknow Camus, India
Email: pmathur@lko.amity.edu; preitymathur@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. E. Elias Hakalehto
University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
Email: elias.hakalehto@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Vimal Kishor Singh
Associate Professor,
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Amity University, Gurgaon, India
Email: vim_kissor@yahoo.co.in
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Igor Felipe Andrade Costa de Souza
Faculdade Integrada de Pernambuco (Campus Saúde), Recife-PE, Brasil
Email: igor_souza_@hotmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Nalan Turkoglu
Associate Professor,
Department of Horticultural,
Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, Turkey
Email: nalanturkoglu@yahoo.com,
nalanturkoglu65@gmail.com, nalanturkoglu@yyu.edu.tr
Profile Link: http://avesis.yyu.edu.tr/AkademikDetay/AkademikDetay.aspx?Sorgu=1736
Dr. Ulkuye Dudu Gul
Associate Professor,
Bilecik Seyh Edebali University, Turkey
Email: ulkuyedudugul@gmail.com, ulkuyedudu.gul@bilecik.edu.tr
Profile Link: http://pvs.bilecik.edu.tr/ulkuyedudu.gul/
Dr. Gbolabo Olaitan Onasanya
Department of Animal Science,
Federal University Dutse, Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria
Email: onasanya.gbolabo@gmail.com,
onasanya.g@fud.edu.ng, gbolaboonasanyainfud@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Tanvir-Ul-Hassan Dar
Assistant Professor,
Centre for Biodiversity Studies, School of Biosciences and Biotechnology,
Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, J&K, India
Email: tanvirulhasan@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. N P Singh
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry,
DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, India
Email: npsmcm.in@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Shivani Chandra
Assistant Professor,
Amity University, Noida, India
Email: schandra4@amity.edu; shivani49@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Arbab Sikandar
Assistant Professor,
Department of Basic Sciences, Sub Campus Jhang,
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
Email: arbab.sikandar@uvas.edu.pk; drarbab786@gmail.com
Profile Link: www.uvas.edu.pk
Dr. Shabir Ahmad Lone
Animal Reproduction Gynaecology and Obstetrics,
ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (ICAR-NDRI), India
Email: drloneshabir@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. I. P. Tripathi
Department of Science & Environment,
Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya,
Chitrakoot, Satna, (M.P.), India
Email: tripathi.ip@gmail.com, tripathi@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Prof. Necla Caglarirmak
Department of Food Process,
Manisa Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey
Email: caglarirmaknecla@hotmail.com, necla.caglarirmak@cbu.edu.tr
Profile link: https://goo.gl/ZwdZ82
Dr. Anil Kumar
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India
Email: ak_sbt@yahoo.com
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Hussein Mohamed Nabil Nassar
In the field of Petroleum and Environmental Biotechnology,
Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI), Egypt
Email: hessen_nasar@hotmail.com, hessennasar@gmail.com, hessennasar@epri.sci.eg
Profile Link: NA
University of Kinshasa, Congo DR
E-mail: jpngbolua@unikin.ac.cd ; ngbolua@gmail.com
Profile link: NA
Dr. Hussein Abdel-Hay Kaoud
Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Pollution,
Faculty of Vet. Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt
Email ID: ka-oud@link.net, hussein.kaoud.vet@gmail.com, husseinkaoud44@outlook.com
Profile link: NA
Dr. Jehad M. H. Ighbareyeh
Assistant Professor ,
Department of plant production and protection,
Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Quds Open University, Palestine
Email: jighbareyeh@qou.edu
Profile Link: NA
Dr. Rafael Trindade Maia
Associate professor,
Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Semiárido,
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil
Email: rafael.trindade@ufcg.edu.br, rafael.rafatrin@gmail.com
Profile link: NA
Prof. Emeritus Ahmed Medhat Mohamed Al-Naggar
Department of Agronomy,
Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt
Email: medhatalnaggar@agr.cu.edu.eg,
medhatalnaggar@gmail.com, ahmedmedhatalnaggar@gmail.com
Profile Link: NA
Note: We are thankful to all editors for their sincere help and support to develop this journal. All editors confirmed their joining in the board by email. Names of the remaining editors (if any) will be published soon.