Effect of Culinary Treatments on Nutritional and Anti- nutritional Profils of Sesame Oilcake for Use in Fighting Protein Malnutrition

Bebbe Fadimatou

Department of Biochemistry, University of Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon.

Lonodjita Trésor

Department of Biochemistry, University of Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon.

Doumta Charles Falang *

Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), University of Buea, Buea, Cameroon.

Moundipa Fewou Paul

Department of Biochemistry, University of Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


To tackle protein malnutrition, the valorization of sesame cake has been initiated. A by-product of sesame oil extraction, it is commonly used as livestock feed. However, it could be used to enrich staple foods and improve their nutritional value, particularly in rural areas where access to quality protein sources is limited. In order to highlight its nutritional richness, certain soaking, roasting and hulling treatments were used to assess their impact on nutritional quality. Then extraction of the oil from the seeds using a mechanical press to obtain sesame cake was proceeded. Standard methods were used for physicochemical characterization of nutritional, mineral and anti-nutritional compounds. The results showed that the sesame oilcake obtained from the various treatments contained significant levels of total protein (26.55- 36.72g/100g DM), residual lipids (24.19- 32.37g/100g DM), carbohydrates (10.86- 18.74g/100g DM), ash (4.32 - 6.19 g/100g DM) and fiber (10.71-20.76 g/100g DM). Similarly, evaluation of the mineral composition of these meal concentrates showed their richness in phosphorus (20.47 - 176.66 mg/100g DM), calcium (15.75 - 467.42 mg/100g DM), magnesium (13.45 - 340.33 mg/100g DM), iron (4.90-14.70 mg/100g DM), and zinc (0.71-4.39 mg/100g DM). However, these sesame cake concentrates also contained anti-nutritional factors such as oxalates (0.48 - 1.04 mg/100g DM), phytates (0.08 - 0.12 mg/100g DM), saponins (0.084 - 1.10 mg/100g DM) and tannins (0.33 - 1.36 mg/100g DM). Fortunately, these were considerably reduced by pretreatment. Indeed, a 40.07, 83.33, 64.64 and 60.95% reduction in tannins, phytates, oxalates and saponins respectively were observed. The considerable reduction in anti-nutrients in the various cakes is an advantage for the digestibility and nutrient availability of this feed. Its high protein and mineral content could therefore be considered for use in protein malnutrition.

Keywords: Sesame cake, protein malnutrition, soaking, roasting, shelling

How to Cite

Fadimatou, Bebbe, Lonodjita Trésor, Doumta Charles Falang, and Moundipa Fewou Paul. 2024. “Effect of Culinary Treatments on Nutritional and Anti- Nutritional Profils of Sesame Oilcake for Use in Fighting Protein Malnutrition”. Asian Journal of Biotechnology and Bioresource Technology 10 (2):60-71. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajb2t/2024/v10i2205.